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physical limits of aging

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You're someone who...

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Wants to stay active and independent maintaining your physical freedom in the future.

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Values your health and believes in taking proactive steps to avoid the physical limitations often associated with aging.

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Is ready to improve your strength, balance, and flexibility with a thoughtful, science-backed approach that empowers you to feel your best every day.

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Seeks a smarter way to stay active—one that uses practical, intelligent movement strategies designed to reverse physical decline and maximize your potential.

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What Clients are Saying...

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I wish I had learned this kind of information years ago…... at least now, I feel better about  resolving future back problems.  - Adam T.

When I was debilitated, I got more physical benefit from SmartBody sessions than from 8 weeks at an Inpatient Rehab. 

Nancy A.

Spinning classes aggravated my knee. Sharon recommended minor changes to my form and work-out routine. Now, no more pain or problems! - Joe M.

I was surprised to discover I didn’t breathe so well. Something so subtle was powerful in helping my asthma & not being SOB anymore.- Kim W.

Things you normally don't think about really work! I changed how I climb stairs which was one thing that helped eliminate my foot pain. - Vicky B.

In the past 40 years, Sharon has empowered
over 10,000 people to physically improve
Your Coach
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With over 40 years of experience, Sharon combines science - based movement strategies with practical techniques that empower you to overcome physical limitations.


It is similar to how a good tennis coach teaches a person a better back hand. The difference w/ SmartBody is, you learn to fine-tune movement habits or improve an area that starts to decline w/ a high value exercise. 


Doing more of the right & less of the wrong makes any aging body become more resilient and feel better.


It’s like Insurance, for a better quality of physical independence in future years!   - See more

Sharon Duffey, PT, FCP

Pain Relief & Physical Improvement Expert

SmartBody is more than just exercise.


it's a comprehensive method for reclaiming and maintaining your physical well-being through targeted, proven strategies that work with your body, not against it.

SmartBody's Empowerment Plan

Annual Subscription Includes

33 Master Sessions

Additional Learning materials enhance your results

Each Master Session Includes:

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Step by step clear written instructions to stay on track and make the most of each class.

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Shorter video that reinforces what you learned to easily put in practice.

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Strategies to keep you motivated and make regular practice easier

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Valuable proven insights to physically improve here and outside SmartBody, at the Gym or other classes too.


A series of 8 - 10 Master sessions in two areas that often creates limits to what we’d like to do; our backs & our balance. This innovative yet practical approach successfully helps you gain better control and confidence. 


Both GROUP series give you practical steps to overcome Back problems or Balance concerns.  



Two to four Master sessions in each of six topics which include; Stamina, Posture, Flexibility, Strength, Balance & Agility.


Check-ups in these sessions provide a baseline, then steps fine- tune better body intelligence for optimal results. See  how SmartBody's approach  improves any of these topics that may interest you.  

Interested in working directly with Sharon?

Sharon fast tracks physical improvement two ways:

Any challenge to Group Sessions, Sharon will help you overcome and develop your learning skill to improve.  - See More​


​If you want to capture the exact priorities your body needs, Sharon will collaborate on what’s most important to you. - See More

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Curious if SmartBody might
be a fit for you?

This 15-minute consult is an opportunity to clarify whether SmartBody is for you. When you schedule, you’ll receive a brief questionnaire to think about, in addition to your own thoughts to collaborate w/ Sharon.

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