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SmartBody's guidelines follow proven research to get the best results for stamina

Both brain & body improvements learned, reduce
risk for Dementia and Alzheimers too.

  • To achieve your personal goals, current activity level, medical history,  any discomfort, or other physical limits are reviewed to determine if they have impacted your ability to be more physically active.


  • Overcoming any physical limit is often a good first step to being more active in the way you want.​

  • You become empowered by what you learn and your body reaps the benefit to direct long term improvement. Optimal breathing gives you better energy.


  • Walking with greater ease allows faster or longer distances. Learning how to reduce unnecessary effort, makes being physical more enjoyable and fun!


Participants learn:

The most effective way to gain stamina, no matter what your fitness level is

Subtle, yet powerful  breathing changes for better energy & stamina

Practical tips and exercise progressions to gain further walking distances w/ less strain or discomfort


An Individual learns by:

Coaches' guidance & steps to reinforce:

effective breathing habits

exercises to strengthen breathing

economy of body use

the right exertion level & duration of activity or exercise

Refine awareness to  better breathing & body use with exercise, until it becomes second nature

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