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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who would benefit from SmartBody?
    For the athletic person: Fix problem areas that show up with standard check-ups, to overcome minor physical limits. Prevent injuries and add better playing years to your favorite recreational sports. For the person who does NOT like to exercise: Eliminate concerns with future physical abilities by smart, practical ways to help your strength & joints, safely. Start to overcome limits to being more physical, just by fine-tuning how you use your body. Reverse physical symptoms to aging, by learning how to do more of the right and less of the wrong in daily activities. For the active person: Be empowered w/ simple ways to have a better working body now and in old age. Know how to make your body more optimal for the activity level you want in years ahead.
  • Where do I start?
    This is an individually-paced program, that covers critical areas that impact your long term physical abilities. Here are some things to consider: The number of sessions widely vary for each topic. Consider starting with an area that interests you the most, so you see how it works. If you have questions or aren't sure, Schedule a Free Consult When you schedule, you'll be given a list of questions to help you think further The purpose of this short discussion w/ Sharon is to decide if SmartBody is what you want to try. If so, then where it might be best to start.
  • How do you get the most from Group Sessions?
    Listen to the Intro Video first. It explains how all the sessions work, to get the most from them. 2. Do the Sessions in order. This is especially important w/ the Target Series. What you learn in earlier sessions makes your success to improve in later sessions. 3. Make sure to practice a small amount, regularly. Each person differs; some need more, some less. Your written guidelines provide initial recommendations. Better movement habits require occasional daily awareness. Then over time, it becomes easy & automatic High value exercises will continue to improve you, as you practice and progress the steps If the session is challenging, then take the time to practice a week or more, to gain benefit or to reach SmartBody's stated goal(s) 4. Use the Learning Materials that best help you. Make sure to examine all learning materials to decide what has some value to your improving.
  • What is covered in a Master Class Group Session?
    FOUNDATION and TARGET Groups cover topics or areas important to positive long term physicality. Most Master Class sessions include: Movement science to understand how our aging bodies change and motivation on how it can improve Some sessions include: Initial check-ups to compare your body to standards Awareness lessons to improve how you automatically use your body Practicing at your own pace, following Sharon's steps to fine-tune a movement habit or do a high value exercise TIPS for how to integrate and practice this in your daily life
  • What is the purpose of the LEARNING MATERIALS?
    SmartBody is a learning approach to physical improvement. That means movements that relate to your movement habits or exercise are broken down into steps that require your thinking, focus and practice. Individuals have their own learning style. Use the materials that help you get the most from this approach. You may choose one, two or all of the following to download, offered for each Master Class session: 1. Written guidelines This hand-out gives a written overview of the steps presented in the longer video. At times, there are general self-care guidelines and links to products recommended. 2. Shorter Video Sharon overviews the physical step by step process in a more condensed format. 3. Benefits & Easier Practice This written hand-out outlines benefits to each session and practical ways to integrate into daily life. 4. Success to Regular Practice / Tips to Improve & Learn These last two written hand-outs are in all sessions. They are to help you succeed in making the most of these sessions.
  • How do ONE to ONE sessions work?
    You can have One to One sessions TWO different ways: If you have individual physical goals or concerns, then scheduling a private session w/ Sharon will best help you. You will fill out an INTAKE FORM which allows for Sharon to be thorough and accurate in providing your best steps to improve most quickly. Then you'll schedule future visits based on what you want and need. If you're already doing Group Sessions and experiencing some difficulty or challenge, then Sharon will work with you to overcome and benefit from what the Session covers. It is also a time to discuss issues you're having, to determine if there are additional ways SmartBody or other services might help.
  • How many Individual Sessions is optimal for results?
    This is highly individual, however, here are some typical examples: A person who gets intermittent knee pain when playing pickle ball, might need 2 to 3 sessions to learn what to practice and progress to overcome this problem. A person who wants more strength and balance, would initially benefit from once weekly sessions to gain cumulative positive results quickly and safely. A Group Session participant who is being challenged by one or more Group Sessions might need 1 session to correct blind spots or learning approach that is interfering w/ good results. This is a collaborative conversation you have with Sharon, but ultimately it is up you!
  • What makes this SmartBody approach work?
    1. The INTAKE you fill out and your conversation w/ Sharon gives her details to what's important. 2. Next, she'll have you move different ways, do quick check-ups & observe how you use your body. It is different from exercise, because there is a focus on skills of learning small ways to use your body a little more optimally. This builds physical resilience and fast tracks physical improvement. You will experience both the challenge and the value of this during each session, Is is similar to some exercises, however we'll target improvements in areas that start to decline in our 40's. 3. You're empowered to learn life skills and use your body more optimally. In turn, your new awareness & practice starts to reverse physical symptoms of aging. Your success comes from our teamwork, your motivation and ability to learn. Look forward to working with you!




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This website, text, images, videos, and any learning materials for use, is provided as general information for exercise and physical improvement and is intended for educational purposes.  Any individual beginning any type of exercise program, should first consult with his/her Physician. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort, unusual symptoms or strain of any kind, and consult with your Physician. Please consult with a physician prior to implementing any exercise protocol or series.


This website does not contain medical advice or prescription for any specific diagnoses. The instructions and advice provided are not a substitute for professional testing, instruction, or hands-on training that is done with the person, live and direct, physically along side a qualified health professional. Proper personnel involved in creating, producing, or distributing website content disclaim any liabilities or loss, personal or otherwise, in connection with the exercises and advice herein.



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