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Sharon Duffey PT, FCP

Clients inspired me to start SmartBody.


I am a geek when it comes
to physical improvement.

I get excited when little changes make

bigger positive changes in how a person
feels or what they  can do.

None of us move like we did when we were 25 or 35 y/o. Common degenerative conditions, past injuries and discomfort contribute to this.  To help overcome a physical limit or pain condition, SmartBody clients discover that "You are how you move!"


My turn - around moment came in 1993. I found out about an extraordinary method of movement retraining called the Feldenkrais Method.  Julius Irving* had gone to Feldenkrais as

he was getting older to keep himself at the top of his basketball game. So I spent the next 4 years and completed the first East coast training.


I've combined my extensive experience as a Movement & Pain Relief Expert, with Science and Feldenkrais learning principles to develop three SmartBody Services: 


TARGET Groups, FOUNDATION Groups & ONE to ONE Sessions.

It's possible, one or more of these programs may have great value to you.


*[1970's] Philly 76'ers Basketball Superstar "Dr. J"

As years pass, It's difficult to recognize changes in our physical abilities. It is inaccurate to think we're too old to improve or in my case, that our body is better than it really is. I suffered a serious hip injury from doing something I thought my body could do. Then, in my later 50's, a clumsy fall resulted in a bad wrist fracture, unable to work for 6 months. Experiences that I was very fortunate to eventually overcome.


Now, I am more consistent with these smarter steps for myself.


SmartBody does not encompass all physical health & fitness options. But, it does show you exactly where your body is declining, and short-cuts to directly improve it, in ways that last. You learn how to tune into your body so that you gain greater physicality as you get older.

As your coach, I empower you on what to do, and educate you on why, so that you understand the value to fine-tuning. It's a great experience to see yourself have the ability to improve!


Your bodies got you to this point in life. Why not give it an opportunity

to improve & regain lost physicality, important to the quality of

your future physical independence?  

Want a conversation or have questions if this approach is a fit for you?


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Master Clinician in Physical Therapy

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Awarded one of the first advanced specialty certifications in Orthopedic

Physical Therapy

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4 - year training and certification in the Feldenkrais Method

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2,500+  post graduate training hours in evidence based movement science 

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Pain Relief Therapy, Inc - Owner of successful PT Clinic treating chronic pain conditions and degenerative painful diagnoses 


Accredited 1-day Courses:

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"The Physical Therapy Expert to Determine Legitimate Physical Limits from Pain", Dispute Resolution Institute

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“Novel Approach for Balance and Movement Disorders”, Bryn Mawr Rehab

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"Everyday Improvement for your Clients”, Cortiva University Massage School


For Professionals

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“The Physical Therapist as an Independent Expert", The Delaware County Lawyer's Association

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“The Role of a Physical Therapist", The Delaware County Chamber of Commerce

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“Application of Awareness through Movement Lessons:", Regional Occupational Therapy Association

Stress & Pain

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“How to Reduce Strain and Pain with Chronic Pain”, Springhaven Center

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“Awareness in Everyday Body Use Habits to Reduce Strain and Pain”, Fibromyalgia local chapter

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“Reducing Physical Stress at Work”, health practitioners at Springhaven Center

Improve Movement Habits

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Better Body Through Better Habits”, Beaumont Retirement Community

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“Dynamic Sitting Posture and Exercises to do at your Office", Spring haven Corporate

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“Dynamic Posture and Body Use for a Healthier Spine", Chiropractic centers​

Group Coaching Sessions

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Movement Habits for an Active Lifestyle” - 6-week class, Main Line School Night

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 “Reduce Physical Signs & Symptoms of Aging & More”, 6-week class. Main Line School Night

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"Body Awareness and Body Use for Improvement", 8-week classes, Lutheran church  

Overcome Medical Conditions

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An Integrative Approach for Conserving your Arthritic Joints”, Bryn Mawr Physical Therapy Department

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"Conserve Your Energy and Joints in Your Everyday Movements”, Bryn Mawr Hospital

Neck & Back

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“Move your spine with less strain, or pain”, Jefferson/Main-line Health

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“Awareness through Movement Lessons for Neck and Back Difficulties”, Lankenau Physical Medicine Department

Feldenkrais Instruction

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Application of the Feldenkrais Method for Movement Disorders”, BMH Physical Therapy Department and Paoli Hospital Physical Therapy Department​

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"Awareness Through Movement": 6-8 week classes, YMCA

Sitting & Standing

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“Dynamic Sitting Posture and Exercises to do at your Office", Spring haven Corporate Center

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 “Dynamic Posture and Body Use for a Healthier Spine", Chiropractic centers​

Arthritis & Joints

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“An Integrative Approach for Conserving your Arthritic Joints”, Bryn Mawr Physical Therapy Department

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"Conserve Your Energy and Joints in Your Everyday Movements”, Bryn Mawr Hospital

​Coach Instructor

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“Movement Habits for an Active Lifestyle” - 6-week class, Main Line School Night

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“Reduce Physical Signs & Symptoms of Aging & More”, 6-week class. Main Line School Night

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"Body Awareness and Body Use for Improvement", 8-week classes, Lutheran church  

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