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Better Balance  Series

10 Master Classes 

Build balance confidence, no matter what your balance abilities are.

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SESSION 1: Better breathing for quicker balance results

Better breathing improves balance more quickly. HOW? It reduces  unwanted physical effort to target the strength gains in your balance muscles. Relaxing your body in spite of balance challenges w/ easier breathing, gives more direct and permanent balance confidence.

Ideal breathing patterns has other obvious health benefits which includes strengthening your lung's vital capacity! You breathe ok, but do you breathe ideally? Find out in this class; then learn steps to get there. Discover the subtleties of this powerful healthy life skill and begin your short journey to better balance too!

SESSION 2: Fine tune your standing posture

Discover quickly if you’re at risk of having a fall based on how you stand – AND how to correct the problem. Gain a more youthful supple spine for greater comfort standing longer and walking further. Experience how the results of fine-tuning your posture gives you greater leg strength, agility & stability.

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SESSION 3: A high value exercise

Once you learn the skills to this exceptional exercise, you can practice it anywhere, including a grocery line! Sharon will provide a compelling way to get results you'll feel for stronger balance muscles. Different than regular exercise your brain gets a workout too, for this potent outcome. Whether you've had falls, or you want to keep great balance in old age; this one skill is a no brainer for long lasting balance confidence.  

SESSION 4: Gain leg power

Significant loss of strength in our hip muscles starts @ 50 y/o, women faster than men. This largely contributes to our balance decline. A quick personal check-up in this class, will measure your own leg strength against the standard; THEN Sharon will guide you through steps to regain that leg strength you need for normal balance.

​Also, learning the skills to this practical movement habit is the first positive step to overcome problematic knee[s] or back.

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SESSION 5: Core strength

Your center of gravity, made up of your pelvis, hips and lower spine muscles, lose obvious strength, largely from being less active over time. Learn the foundation steps to recover the basics to this strength, a prominent part to better balance. Once you practice use of these essential muscles in your daily activities, additional exercises are covered to progress your strength further.

SESSION 6: Eye habits & eye use

Our eye use and eye habits have a direct connection to our Balance Equilibrium. It is an area that diminishes with age, largely from habits & limited physical activity. This area of balance improves despite common eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Learn the steps to better eye use and exercises which will help maintain your independence and safety with driving too.

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SESSION 7: Stronger lower leg strength

As early as 40 y/o we start to lose significant strength in our lower legs. When these muscles are strong, they automatically work if we ever start to lose balance. In class, you will do a quick check-up to measure your own lower leg strength against the standard; THEN learn what to practice with practical and effective steps to regain any lower leg/foot strength lost. Once you gain this skill, it can be practiced almost anywhere. Empower yourself to better balance!

SESSION 8: Better foot & ankle flexibility

We all lose flexibility in our joints with aging. In our ankles, some lose up to 50%, impairing the way we walk and often leading to trips & falls. Learn simple steps that can improve tight ankle/foot joints while sitting in your chair. Also covered are more advanced foot & ankle movement exercises in standing to make you more agile with balance!

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