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2 Master Classes 

Flexibility, Balance, Strength, Coordination

Agility combines all aspects of your physicality.

It requires adequate strength, flexibility & balance to coordinate in the physical tasks or actions we want to do.
Lacking in one area, causes us to compensate, putting undue stress on our bodies. We will 'feel' it, where we are most vulnerable.

AGILITY Group Sessions make up two different & useful topics below:

Getting up and down from the floor the easiest way

Getting to healthy shoulders & rotator cuff, w/ optimal body use and exercise

Consider Private Sessions w/ Sharon for longevity w/ your pickleball or tennis, by focus on improving the most important piece[s] to your agility on the court.

In AGILITY'S Two Group Sessions below:

First, learn steps to improve your safety and skill to get up/down from the floor, based on your individual ability. Next, practice ways to reverse symptoms & degeneration to rotator cuff disease and shoulder arthritis. Gain insight on healthy ways to use your arm in daily activities, with an intro to helpful flexibility and strength exercises.

If you find this difficult to do or you want to see how it is done, then this session is for you. Sharon will break down the components to practice and provide helpful tips for any limits you might experience with strength, flexibility or coordination.
* Not recommended for someone w/ prior hip, knee or ankle surgery

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SESSION 1: What you need to get up/down from the floor



Your arm’s unique flexibility often becomes problematic to your fragile small rotator cuff and joint. Grasp and experience worthwhile lessons to daily tasks. Practice the correct exercises to regain healthy flexibility and strength for long term protection.

SESSION 2: Establish healthier shoulders and rotator cuff in practical daily ways

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