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2 Master Classes 

Achieve the type of flexibility needed to move better. 

Ever experience aches or stiffness? Whether it's Arthritis or another condition, the discomfort causes muscles to tense more.

As a result, you don't move as well.
This accelerates problems to your arthritic joints.

In Group Sessions you learn three eye-opening ways to gain flexibility in more permanent, direct ways:

Observe and  be guided in how to become more aware of un-doing muscle effort and tension, through SmartBody's unique relaxercise approach.

Learn ways to become more flexible in how you use your body. This reduces wear and tear on body parts that get overused.

Successfully target a critical area that loses up to 50% flexibility by 80 y/o; that being your ankles and feet! Comprised of 30 joints, learn a sitting and standing movement exercise for better walking and balance!

In FLEXIBILITY'S Two Group Sessions below...  

In the first session, learn how to reduce aches and stiffness by how you stretch and use your body. Observe Relaxercise principles and props, used in a Private session. In the 2nd session, get a check-up and improve flexibility in a critical area; your feet and ankles.  Practice simple sitting & standing movements / principles to make you more agile for walking, golf or your raguet sport.

Flexibility is a clear path to feel younger and reduce aches & stiffness. It's not just stretching muscles, but how flexible you move your body, that you'll learn. How to reduce unnecessary muscle tension is a first step toward better results with any stretching. In addition, observe the Relaxercise Method that Sharon teaches you directly in PRIVATE sessions.

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SESSION 1: More Flexibility and Less Wear and Tear!



Your complex ankles & feet, made of 30 joints, needs to be agile & flexible for normal walking and to avoid tripping. For some, there is a 50% loss of motion of this body part, in later years. Practice two practical & distinctive ways to gain and maintain flexibility/agility in this crucial  part to maintain quality independent function.

SESSION 2: Better Balance Agility & Walking with More Flexible Feet & Ankles

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