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4 Master Classes

Earn  leg power in a practical and skillful approach. 

 "Check-ups" highlight the weaker body parts, then you learn exactly how to improve them.

Your muscle strength is what protects your joints. Losing this strength further accelerates degenerative conditions.
It is often a primary reason to our achy, stiff joints:

FOUR Group Sessions give practical solutions to overcome achy joints & physical limits.

Gain better resilience & strength specific to the daily physical daily tasks you do.

Eliminate stress to vulnerable knees, back or hips by fine-tuning movement habits.

Have reassurance to direct and lasting leg power now and in future years.

In STRENGTH'S Four Group Sessions below...

You will develop insight to your own abilities and challenges, by doing baseline check-ups and practice. It will be clear what to focus on and how to progress. Coaching you on this step by step process, w/ some practice is a winning ticket to both quicker and lasting results!

Your core is the power center of your body. This practical eye-opener will show you distinctive ways to gain muscle control for better bladder control, and to safeguard against back problems. It is essential for healthy balance too. Learn day to day ways to use your core where it counts!

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SESSION 1: Core Strength for a Better Back, Balance & Body!



Start to re-gain back your leg power, with a compelling training method that is merely done in sitting. Find out the quickest way to increase leg power, based on how you get up and down from sitting. This fine-tuning is critical, to eliminate further wear & tear to arthritic backs and knees!

SESSION 2: Use your hands to get up from a chair? START HERE!
SESSION 3: Fine tune two habits & always have leg strength

The cumulative consequence of less ideal ways you climb stairs or get up/down from sitting wreak havoc on degenerative conditions & symptoms you have. Unlike any exercise, fine-tuning these daily habits have decisive positive results, advancing your strength and eliminating further wear and tear. After you start to regain leg power, you can maintain it, in this way!

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SESSION 4: More pep in your step with stronger lower legs

One of the strongest muscles needed for balance & walking, you lose significant strength in your lower leg muscles as early as your 40's. Get a quick check-up then Sharon will direct you on steps to secure the power and balance you need. *Avoid this class if you have had any foot surgeries or have foot problems.

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