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3 Masterclasses

Learn skills to apply at home, gym or a balance class.

These advanced sessions benefit a person with minor balance issues. Gain conclusive balance health now, and to keep for future years.

Different than a balance class, you practice step by step learning to develop balance skills to improve results in your balance class!

These Balance Sessions cover 3 compelling topics, to better balance:

Re-gain loss of equilibrium, that started in your 40’s.

Experience what it really feels like to train your balance muscles successfully.

Develop the kind of walking that feels easier, is more agile & looks more youthful.

In BALANCE'S Three Group Sessions below...

Strengthen your equilibrium to make quick changes of direction and position more easily. You learn ways to move your head & body in practical simple ways to safeguard you, now and in the future. Learn how to skillfully improve standing on 1 leg to ensure balance mastery. Practice ways to fine-tune essential parts to walking making you look and feel better.

Who thinks about how we use our eyes? Yet improving your eye use and eye muscles has substantial benefits to better equilibrium. Then, advance with practical head and body motions that will illuminate weaknesses you’ll learn how to overcome. This is a pivotal part of long term Balance health.

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SESSION 1: Better eye use & head motion for better balance!



This original approach is unlike any other balance exercises you’ve done. It will quickly shed light on what you’re missing. Then, Sharon will methodically coach you through steps to get command of the balance coordination & power you need. This is a true winner for balance confidence!

SESSION 2: Get your Balance Muscles strong!
SESSION 3: Fine tune Walking habits to feel and look better!

Walking is a mix of elements, including balance, that influence how far we walk, how we look and feel. Sharon will take you through a systematic & valuable process of useful learning steps to build your walking skills; ultimately to make walking look and feel better.

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