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We don’t notice our breathing until we have problems...

Yet, we lose our breathing reserve 1% per year,
quicker if we don’t exercise.


The average person breathes 16 times per minute; 8 million times a year.

Past heart or stomach surgeries, lung disorders, episodes of SOB or cumulative daily stress often make breathing habits less optimal.

Learning breathing awareness, then taking steps to fine-tune better breathing yields  positive results w/ greater energy, stamina & feeling more relaxed even under stress!

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Make your body automatically work harder, reducing energy and stamina. 

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Place extra stress is placed on our heart and lungs 

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Puts the nervous system in 'fight or flight mode' adding stress on our immune system. 

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YOGA and Meditation are great ways to focus and train your breathing however, it does not change your breathing habit​



  • Become aware of what you normally do

    • This helps your body make permanent changes​

  • Practice the following in an easy way:

    • Longer relaxed 'letting go' expirations

    • Have NO effort to your breathe in, f/b immediate breathe out

    • Experience subtle effortless shallow breathing at rest

  • Strengthen your diaphragm

    • Do recommended breathing exercises in SmartBody

    • Maintain regular breathing, during core strength movements​

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Check if your breathing is optimal:

Sit quietly, close your eyes. Do your lower ribs and belly move outward, then inward?

Place a hand gently on your chest and notice; is it completely still?

Does your breath OUT take 2X longer than your breath IN ?

Is there a long pause after breathing out?

Normally this quiet moment lasts 1 - 4 seconds, before you breath in.

A “NO” answer to any of these questions means the body is working harder at breathing than what it should. You also become more breathless, while being physically active.

Improved breathing habits is not difficult to get and keep.
Better breathing is integral to SmartBody.

Supporting Sources:

Hurley, B.F., and J Gerontol “Age, Gender, and Muscular Strength.” Biol Sci Med Sci. 50 (1995 Nov): pp. 41-4

Newman A.B., V. Kupelian, M. Visser, E.M. Simonsick, B.H. Goodpaster, S.B. Kritchevsky, F.A. Tylavsky, S.M. Rubin, T.B. Harris. “Strength, but not Muscle Mass, is Associated with Mortality in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study Cohort.” Journal Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 61(1) (2006 Jan):72-7.

Karsten, Keller and Martin Engelhardt, “Strength and Muscle Mass Loss with Aging Process.” Muscles Ligaments Tendons Journal 3(4) (2013 Oct-Dec): 346–350.

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