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Welcome to the


Move Better               Do Better                  Feel Better

33 Master Sessions

"Unlock 33 Master Sessions designed to reverse aging and rebuild strength in ways traditional exercise programs don’t."

Annual Subscription


Domains of Physicality

Empower yourself with life skills that give you a better back, balance, stamina, flexibility, strength, posture, and agility.


Movement Habits

Novel yet practical steps finetune what you automatically do, giving you powerful  lasting results to feel, do & look better.


High Value exercises

Improve key areas of physicality that start to decline in our 40's. Discover your baseline then progress at your own pace. 

For each Master Session you receive:

For EACH Master Class you receive:

For EACH Master Class you receive:

For EACH Master Class you receive:

"A clear written guide to know what & how much that makes practice easy to do."

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"Practical guidance to integrate into everyday life to see faster results,"

"Proven strategies to help keep you motivated and your practice successful."

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"Valuable insights that work when improving and overcoming physical limits."

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'What professional colleagues say'

Sharon has rare insight in how the body improves. SmartBody packages that knowledge. I can personally attest to that, from my own experience. I learned different ways to move & exercise, that took away my upper back aches, and got me moving better. I'm hitting longer golf drives now, than 10 years ago! 

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Lynn Rubin

Physical Therapist


Target & Foundation
Group Topics

Have your physicality improve as you age in direct & lasting ways! 

"Our Target and Foundation groups are based on a learning approach to lasting physical improvements, using body intelligence over brute force."


Target Group Topics

Better Backs

8 Sessions Total

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An 8 part series to help problem backs & degenerative conditions, this one-of-a-kind learning & doing series will help you overcome current physical limits or just prevent them.  Different than normal back exercises, focus on back intelligence with gentle movements and practical core strength helps eliminate spine wear and tear from daily physical activities; giving you a healthier back for the long term. 

Better Balance

10 Sessions Total


This is a 10 part series that directly improves your 4-part system to balance in lasting ways.  Whether you’ve lost balance confidence or want to prevent this decline, it is the 'skills- based learning approach' to balance which makes it strikingly different from balance programs. This approach gives you an advantage to enhance any future balance classes you choose and also have skills for life to prevent future decline. 


Foundation Group Topics


2 Sessions Total

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Find out how to reverse symptoms of lower energy & physical stamina w/ three compelling solutions; optimal breathing habits, stronger breathing muscles, and discovering the smartest approach, no matter what your fitness level is.


Eliminate the wear and tear of sitting and standing, that causes much of our aches and stiffness – with original & effective movement lessons. You will discover a new experience of what better posture is, unlike what you have been taught. The learning you apply, will make you feel better and look better too!

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Benefit from immediate ways to achieve a more flexible body, just by how you use it. See how SmartBody’s unique relaxercises work. Learn distinctive principles for better results to what you do. Target improvement of ankle & feet flexibility, since you can lose up to 50%, leading to trips & falls.

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4 Sessions Total

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Quick strength check-ups to key body parts will be an eye opener to your hidden weaknesses. Different from exercise or the Gym, Sharon will fast-track you to impressive strength gains with a more potent direct approach. This practical approach can be applied at home & in the Gym for better long term strength results!


3 Sessions Total

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This is a short 3 session series, for people who have a higher level of balance ability; different the TARGET Better Balance Series which is more comprehensive. This series cover eye use & equilibrium, improving balance muscle strength and ways to improve your walking. In contrast to normal balance classes, this "learn & practice process' works directly on improving HOW you improve balance, in ways you'll get results.  


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Agility is required for complex physical activities like getting up and down from the floor and using your arms. This is a comprehensive deep dive in learning the best ways to take care of your body in each of these two ways. 


Free Consult 

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This 15- minute conversation w/ Sharon will help clarify whether SmartBody is for you.


When you schedule, you’ll receive a brief questionnaire to review before your appointment.

The purpose is to get you to think about…

  • What symptoms are starting to limit you? How?

  • Specifics to any discomfort you may have? 

  • What is important to you when it comes to your physicality?


Please bring any other questions with you, as well. Look forward to connecting with you!

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